Left Handed Guitars in Houston Texas

Southpaw Guitars

Gibson Left Handed Acoustic Guitars

Gibson Lefty Guitars

Gibson Acoustic Left Handed

Fender Left Handed Guitars

Fender Lefty Guitars

Fender Eclectric Left Handed

Southpaw Left Handed Guitars

Southpaw Guitars has the largest selection of Left Handed Guitars in stock. At Southpaw Guitars you will find knowledgeable friendly staff to provide Service, Assistance, and Guidance as you purchase your dream guitar. We are located in Houston Texas.

Lefty Guitars Houston Texas USA.

We Sell Lefty Guitars Only

Shop the largest selection of Left Handed Guitars in Texas.

Google Reviews
Google Reviews
I came from way out of town, and they stayed open an hour and a half past closing to accomodate my work schedule. They let me play about 70 guitars over two days until I found the ones I liked. The owner and staff are a great group of people dedicated to their customers.
— Jim Habash
Left-handed Acoustic Guitar

Southpaw Left Handed Guitars

Mon - Fri, 10am - 5pm
Saturday, 10am - 5pm
Sunday, Closed

We currently have over 900 Left-handed Guitars in-stock.

5813 Bellaire Blvd. Houston, Texas 77081

Call 713-667-5791

Text 713-667-5791

Email info@southpawguitars.com


Southpaw FAQ

Where is Southpaw Guitars located?

Southpaw Guitars is located at 5813 Bellaire Blvd. Houston, TX 77081

How do I contact Southpaw Guitars?

Email: info@southpawguitars.com Call: 713-667-5791

How many left-handed guitars in stock at Southpaw Guitars?

We have over 900 left handed guitars in-stock at any time.